Monstera Obliqua Slovakia University Pavla Jozefa Šafárika
Monstera Obliqua Slovakia University Pavla Jozefa Šafárika Glossy Oblong rainforest green, leaves bigger than your hand, sport big and little fenestrations amid the deeply veined and puckered leaves. A Shorter node spacing combined with a short petiole give the vine its bushy appearance. Sizing on the fenestrations varies wildly, producing holes so large that they leave only a thread to form the leaf edge. Monstera is very easy to grow and prolific when allowed to climb to lofty heights on an indoor totem or outdoors up your favorite tree. These are very healthy, climbing tropical plants with well established root systems.
Let the tropical appeal of Monstera plants transform your indoor or outdoor space into a jungle. These easy-to-grow plants flourish in moist soils rich in organic matter, and their ability to climb makes them perfect for mossy posts or burlap wrapped poles. Monstera grow well in pots, hanging baskets or outdoors as a ground cover or a Tropical looking tree wrap. With their ability to adapt to lower light conditions and temperatures between 65°- 90°F, Monsteras are more flexible than most house plants. In warmer climates introduce Monstera to your outdoor space and watch as they transform into stunning climbers with huge tropical fenestrated (split) leaves often reaching two feet in diameter.
Unleash their full potential by letting them grow in the ground or up an arbor, they'll surprise you with their size and structure changes from their potted juvenile state. Create a personal paradise with Monstera. Be sure to always check back as we offer over 250 varieties throughout the year, all shapes, sizes and colors.

Why Verify? Aroid species often exhibit similar characteristics in their juvenile stage, making precise identification challenging. Many enthusiasts may mistakenly categorize various species due to their resemblances before they reach full maturity. This confusion is further compounded when plants from different geographical regions, such as South America or Europe, are given identical names despite their mature forms displaying distinct differences. Our innovative verify program provides a solution to this issue by offering a glimpse of the mature form of the plant before making a purchase.
How We Verify? Our years-long project has successfully nurtured over 600 unique varieties, grown on large poles for precise evaluation of their size, node spacing, leaf color, stem width, and growth rate etc.
About This Plant
- This Plant: Monstera Obliqua Slovakia University
- Pot Size: 4″ Round
- Includes: 1 Plant With Pot
- Ships By: UPS
- Ships From: Florida USA
- Shipping Rate: Click Tab Above
Info. & Recommendations
- Growth Rate: Medium
- Light: 60-85%
- Soil: Rich Organic Mix
- Fertilizer: Slow Time Released
- Water: When Dry to Touch
- Dislikes: Soggy Soil
- Likes: 65-90°F
- Outdoor Zone: 9b-10
- Pot Size: 6″-24″ w/Drain Holes
- Indoors: Locate Near Natural Light
- Faux Light: Grow Light Full Spectrum
- Genera: Araceae/Monstera
Our plants are grown in conditions akin to a natural, humid rainforest, using minimal pesticides. Occasional leaf drop, spotting, or browning, especially in varieties with significant white, are normal. In our nursery, plants thrive under 40-80% shade cloth. If grown outdoors, direct exposure to full sun may cause leaf burn. We suggest gradually introducing the plants to sunny areas over a week or so to reduce stress for optimal results. Despite our high standards in plant propagation, we can't assure future variegation patterns, coloration, survival or growth rate. Individual plants may vary, even though our mother plants have thrived for over 20 years. We guarantee all variegation is natural without any Chemically Induced Variegation (NO C.I.V.)