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Showing 1–32 of 35 results
Pink Horizon Aglaonema Plant (aglaonema siam aurora in 2×3″ pot)
Florida Staghorn Fern (platycerium in 3×2″ square)
Canary Island Dragon Tree (dracaena draco in 2x2x3″ pot)
Lg. Canary Island Dragon Tree (dracaena draco in 4″ pot)
Pink Lip Desert Rose Plant (adenium obesum in 3×2″ Square)
Lg. Sugarloaf Pineapple Plant (ananas cosomus in 4″ round)
Lg. Mandelas Gold Bird of Paradise Plant (strelitzia reginae in 4″ pot)
Thornless Guadua Bamboo (guadua angustifolia in deep 4″ pot)
Lg. Tahitian Orange Bird of Paradise Plant (strelitzia reginae in 4.5″ pot)
Flamboyant Royal Poinciana Tree (delonix regia 2x2x3″ Pot)
Silver Madagascar Palm (pachypodium geayi in 3×2″ Square)
Lg. Giant White and Blue Bird of Paradise Plant (strelitzia nicolai in 4″ pot)
Lg. Chinese Fan Palm Tree (livistona chinensis 4″ multi plant pot)
Lg. Chulta Elephant Apple (dillenia indica in 2×3″ pot)
Lg. Variegated Shell Ginger Plant (alpinia z. variegata)
Crimson Bottlebrush Tree (callistemon citrinus 2x2x3″ Pot)
Water Rush Bamboo (equisetum hyemale in 2×3″ pot)
Triangle Palm Tree (dypsis denarii 2x2x3″ pot)
Dieffenbachia Camouflage Plant (dieffenbachia hybrid in 4” pot)
Brain Freeze Aglaonema Plant (aglaonema favonian in 4″ pot)
Tropical Silky Oak Tree (grevillea robusta 2x2x3″ Pot)
Cold Hardy Wind Mill Palm Tree (trachycarpus fortunei in 2×3″ pot)
Annatto Lipstick Tree (bixa orellana in 2×3″ pot)
Dieffenbachia Cougar Plant (dieffenbachia hybrid in 4” pot)
Yellow Butterfly Palm Tree (areca lutescens in 3×2″ square)
Mao Luang Fruit Tree (antidesma puncticulatum 2x2x3″ Pot)
Purple Orchid Tree (bauhinia purpurea 2x2x3″ Pot)
Lg. Yellow Butterfly Palm Tree (areca lutescens in 4″ pot)
Black Java Plum Tree (syzygium cumini 2x2x3″ Pot)
Tropical Sausage Tree (kigelia africana in 2×3″ pot)
Variegated Maya Spinach Tree (cnidoscolus chayamansain 2×3″ pot)
Kona Coffee Bush (coffea arabica 2x2x3″ pot)
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